
Is Coral an Animal

There are many instance to prove, immense performances of very humble beings.  The coral is a typical example.
The coral is a small marine animal closely related to the Sea anemone, but differing from it in their ability to develop a tiny skeleton!  When alive, the coral is known as a polyp.  It is a soft, jelly like mass with an interior sac, which serves as a stomach.
The structure of coral secretions, assumes a variety of forms, fanlike, treelike, mushroom like etc.  The hard limestone skeletons form coral reefs found in the sea.  The colonial corals are made up of a sheet of tissue formed by hundreds and thousands of polyps, covering a chalky skeleton.

Image Source: www.wikipedia.org
Thousands of miles of tropical shores, especially in the Indian ocean, are edged with reef.  Barrier reefs are formed many miles off shore, like the Great Barrier Reef which has a length of about 1200 miles off the coast of Australia.
The most important coral formations are called fringing reefs, barrier reefs and atols.  Atols are coral islands, shaped like a ring.  Islands of the Union territory of Lakshadweep are Coral islands off the coast of Kerala.

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